a venue of vultures
I woke up early in an empty house this morning. I often wake up early in a quiet house filed with sleeping children, but waking up in . . . → Read More: Collectives
a venue of vultures I woke up early in an empty house this morning. I often wake up early in a quiet house filed with sleeping children, but waking up in . . . → Read More: Collectives Trinity Series #3 Leaving my house one afternoon I realized I had forgotten something once I was already in my car. My driveway forms a wide Y that runs along one . . . → Read More: A Gust of Wind reaching out For two weeks I have been leafing through journals and paintings from my past. It was not something that I planed to do. I woke up one morning with . . . → Read More: Ripples on the Pond I was married when I was 23. It did not seem so young at the time. I had finished college and was working towards a PhD in The History of . . . → Read More: Reflection On New Year’s Eve I took a hike at sunset to say goodbye to the old year. At first I said, ” good riddance” as I said farewell. It has been a . . . → Read More: Letting Go reflection Many of the clients that I work with have lost touch with their will to live. For some the emotional pain is so great that they need to renew their . . . → Read More: Waves i have something on my mind Recently, I watched the movie Nine. In it a man in his 50’s struggles to find creative inspiration . . . → Read More: Solid ground thanksgiving – sonoma – 2008 Like everything else in my life this year, I have to approach Thanksgiving in a new way. My . . . → Read More: Thanksgiving |