Sun Dance

summer on the river

summer on the river

I went to the beach at Paradise Cove at the end of summer with two women friends and . . . → Read More: Sun Dance

My Heart


There is a history of heart disease on both sides of my family and for most of my adult life I have seen a cardiologist once a year. The other day . . . → Read More: My Heart

Lost & Found

taking the gloves off

One weekend, when my daughter was out of town, a friend had the idea of inviting a few women over to my empty house for . . . → Read More: Lost & Found


taking my feelings to tea: Hurt

A good friend of mine recently moved away to live in another city. Though no longer neighbors, she and I . . . → Read More: Childishness


chains # 1

One night I had a dream in which I was waiting for a bus so that I could chaperone a high school field trip. When . . . → Read More: Waiting

Moving Forward

rocks and water

Ok. What if I am completely wrong? Not about the inner joy that we have inside of us apart from our partners, but about the drive we have, even . . . → Read More: Moving Forward

On My Own

It is 7:30 in the morning and I have been awake since the dogs roused me at 5:30. I went out with . . . → Read More: On My Own